Telegram has reached a huge milestone, as the popular instant messenger announced that its app now has 200 million monthly active users. The Co-Founder of Telegram, Pavel Durov, made this known in a blog post where he expressed his gratitude to users for helping the platform hit this “insane number.” To cap off this landmark, Telegram also released an update on the Android and iOS versions of the app.

While Telegram is the closest rival to WhatsApp, the former is still far behind the facebook-owned company (which has 1.5 billion MAU) when it comes to traffic, but Telegram unarguably boasts of more features than WhatsApp.
Meanwhile, Durov further stressed that Telegram has not-for-once been sponsored by advertisers. He said "Unlike other popular apps, Telegram doesn’t have shareholders or advertisers to report to. We don’t do deals with marketers, data miners or government agencies.” It's also worth noting that Telegram was the first messaging app to roll out end-to-end encryption, and since its inception in 2013, no user's private data has ever been shared with third parties.
In addition, you can now send and receive multiple images on Telegram. The Auto-Night mode is not new to Android users; the feature has been previously released on that platform, but thanks to this update, iOS users can now also automatically switch to the dark version of the interface.
Furthermore, Telegram for iPhones and iPads now has different text styles in media captions, an option to report individual messages in public entities, a new page where you can manage connected websites, and a optimised battery usage.
source: Telegram

While Telegram is the closest rival to WhatsApp, the former is still far behind the facebook-owned company (which has 1.5 billion MAU) when it comes to traffic, but Telegram unarguably boasts of more features than WhatsApp.
Meanwhile, Durov further stressed that Telegram has not-for-once been sponsored by advertisers. He said "Unlike other popular apps, Telegram doesn’t have shareholders or advertisers to report to. We don’t do deals with marketers, data miners or government agencies.” It's also worth noting that Telegram was the first messaging app to roll out end-to-end encryption, and since its inception in 2013, no user's private data has ever been shared with third parties.
New Features Update
Courtsey of this new update for Telegram's Android and iOS platforms, new improvements like multiple picture sending, auto-night mode, and enhanced functionality for stickers which now allows you to use the new search for sticker sets option, has been added.In addition, you can now send and receive multiple images on Telegram. The Auto-Night mode is not new to Android users; the feature has been previously released on that platform, but thanks to this update, iOS users can now also automatically switch to the dark version of the interface.
Furthermore, Telegram for iPhones and iPads now has different text styles in media captions, an option to report individual messages in public entities, a new page where you can manage connected websites, and a optimised battery usage.
source: Telegram
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