1. She calls me her
diamond but I don't know if she
means diamond bank.
2. Remembers the day when blackberry and apple were just
3. Decided to burn lots of calories
today so I set a fat
kid on fire!
4. I'm not addicted to
2go, I * here only
on days dat end
with d letter Y
5. 37OHSSV O773H
6. no matter hw
pretty or evn
powerful a lady iz
at lest 1 man
makes her play a
7. I speak my mind. I
never mind what I
8. Sometimes, not
remembering may
be the best.
9. Slept like a baby
last night…. Waking
up every 3hours
crying for food.
10. Wanted to kill the
sexiest person
alive, But suicide’s
a crime.
11. People say that
love is in every
Maybe I’m moving
in circles.
12. WARNING: Objects
in mirror are fatter
than they appear.
13. If guys had
periods, they’d
brag about the size
of their tampons.
14. Marriage is a sort
of friendship
recognized by the
15. If only life came
with a ◄◄ REW ►
16. The only place you
find success before
work is in the
17. I’ve yet to meet a
girl who got
pregnant from
18. Best Friends Listen
to what you don’t
19. So many stupid
people and so few
20. UCH: thinks that
2go is the compost
heap for my brain.
21. Yes, I know how to
shut up. I just don’t
know when.
22. I use to be great at
wordplay. Once a
pun a time.
23. I guess if you
spoke your mind,
you’d be
speechless huh?
24. Teaching ur own
mother how to use
2go is like willinly
signin ur own
death warrant.
25. Smile, it’s the
second best thing
you can do with
your lips.
26. UCH:: says don’t
look at me in that
tone of voice.
27. I wooed my GF for
her looks, But not
the ones she’s been
giving me lately!
28. a guy knocked on
my door today
asking for a
donation for the
local primary
school’s pool, I
went away and
came back with a
cup of water….. Is
that wrong?
29. Too cool for school.
30. Forcing my dog to
learn how to 2go.
31. I’ve always
wondered if film
directors wake up
screaming “CUT!
when they have
32. I can now
multitask my
studies with 2go!
33. We have so much
in common, You
want to travel, I
want you to go
34. Good girls go to
Heaven, bad girls
just make you FEEL
like you’re in
35. When we married,
Jane treated me
like a God, As time
went by, the
36. Letters got
37. My fa*e plants died
because I didn’t
pretend to
38. water them.
39. After slipping*, I
did not fall. I
attacked the
40. ground!
41. If money grew on
trees, girls would
42. dating monkeys.
43. Never make eye
contact while
eating a banana.
44. Dear math: I am
not a therapist, so
solve your own
45. Trust in God but
lock your car.
46. I’m not saying
you’re stupid; you
just have bad luck
when you’re
47. Success is like a
fart, only bothers
people when it’s
not their own.
48. I’m not lazy… I’m
just conserving
49. Lazy fact #
857: you were too
lazy to read that
50. Used to have no
life. Now I have
Nokia X2 and 2go!
51. Is trying to decide
if he has an
attitude problem
today, or not.
52. I'm actually quite
pleasant until I'm
53. Is not scared of
heights.... just
54. Is trying to stop
being indecisive,
but is not sure
about it...
55. Is playing loud
music to keep from
hearing her own
56. I am a bomb
technician. If you
see me running, try
to keep up
57. First the
engagement ring,
then the wedding
ring, then the
58. Thinks the best
part about his job
is that his chair
59. Would like a refund
on this life.
60. If you can’t laugh
at yourself, I’ll be
happy to do it for
61. If my room is clean,
it means that 2go
server is down.
62. Is planning a night
he can't remember!
63. Is going into
hibernation...call me
when it's safe to
come out
64. Sadly, I only have 1
parent... my mum
left before I was
65. Why isn't 11
pronounced onety
66. Phone on silent. 10
missed calls. Turns
volume to loudest,
nobody calls all
67. Children in the dark
cause accidents,
accidents in the
dark cause children.
68. If you watch the
Titanic backwards
it's about a magical
boat that saves
69. I hate it when, I
plan a conversation
in my head, but the
other person
70. doesn't follow the
71. Girls are like merlin,
they can lift things
without even
72. touching them... if
you know what I
73. Uch is trapped in
the 2go status
message textbox;
74. help!
75. Uch is an
helicopter pilot.
76. Uch is "never on
schedule, but
always on time
77. Abeg what product
is ur BlackBerry?
Mine is Nokia :
78. its better i kill ma
self wit a knife dan
to commit sucide.
79. If you drink Pepsi
at work in the Coke
factory, will they
fire you?
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