Hello my real Techpaddicts. Thank you all for staying tuned to this outstanding free browsing and tech blog -
techpaded.com.ng. I apologize for being offline for a while, but in case you don't know, "WE ARE FULLY BACK" and ready to give you 100℅ service (no plus, no minus, lol).
Permit me to dedicate this paragraph to my fellow bloggers for their support and assistance, they all helped in raising Techpaded up again. You all played crucial roles and it all turned out to be a success. This experience taught me that blogging not just a community, but a family. And for this family to grow, I'm willing to play my part. Are you?
So, What Really Happened, Why Was Techpaded Down?
Hnm! I can't really present a reasonable excuse, because TP Blog was initially down for a small reason. You know that "
Akara & Moimoi get the same parent, but na condition make them different. It wasn't only Techpaded that was affected, almost 2million blogs closed down. Few quickly rose up, some are still trying to rise, while others are permanently shut down!
So let's thank God for Techpaded, for we were able to rise again. Now that TP Blog is back, we have full packages for you. let's take a look at what we'll be doing here from now on.
1. Free Browsing Reloaded
I used the word "reloaded" because this time around, we are not smiling. Techpaded has employed dozens of cheatlords, geeks and free browsing crackers, and they'll surely perform! So from on, expect the best from our
FBI - meaning "free browsing instructors". Just make sure your VPN apps are on standby and support our cheatlords by sharing & dropping your comments on each posts.
2. Blogging
Are you a blogger, or you want to be one? We'll all have a good time here on Techpaded. Verily verily I say unto you; there's too much money in the internet, but blogging is not just about money! Frankly speaking, during my first year of blogging, I didn't earn a dime, but the enthusiasm kept me going and the difference is clear now!
Under this label, all bloggers (irrespective of your host, country, experience) are welcomed to write about & share ideas on issues related to blogging. You can also join my group on Facebook called
Celeb Bloggers. Where you'll meet new bloggers, get insights & blog wisely. You can also buy & sell all items needed for the effective running of your respective blogs.
We'll also be dropping updates on:
3. Social media tricks
4. Trending Games
5. Latest phones
6. Education & exam
7. Making money online tips
8. And a new category has been added - called "WWE WRESTLING."
everyone loves WWE Wrestling, but not all of us are up-to-date with the show. But from on, we'll all be updated on the latest battle fixtures, fight results, Monday night RAW, royal rumble, intercontinental championship, world heavy weight championship, etc. Stay tunned guys!
That's not all. We also have some "Special Services" only for the real techpaddicts. Let's see them.
1. Tech Stories: This is a forum, where we'll all discuss on interesting & important topics like; "problems you have with your phone", " worst ever phone you used", "first free browsing cheat you used" etc. This will be interesting, watch out!
2. Data Yakata: Yea! Everyone knows TDY, the biggest data market in Nigeria, where you can buy mb/GB at different amount. TDY will also be launched in South Africa, Ghana, and 3 other African countries this year.
3. Refer & Browse: This is another great program setup by Techpaded where you'll get free 1gigabyte, free airtime & other bonuses just for bringing/referring 10 people to buy data from TDY.
4. Celeb Bloggers: This is a group for all bloggers, where you'll meet new bloggers, get insights & blog wisely. You can also sell, rent and buy items For your blog.
5. E-Paded: Meaning Exam Paded. Here we'll give free answers for WAEC, NECO and JAMB to all "real techpaddicts". Remember it is free, but you should know what I mean real techpaddict.
6. Airtime Yakata: This can also be called " Credit Circle". Here, you'll invest a token of N200 credit only and you'll get 300% within 1 week. Just like MMM & the likes. So your N200 will turn to N500 in just one week. Which you can use to subscribe, call and text. Baddest!
7. Techpaded For Disabled For the handicap, we'll be including more audio,video and sign posts. Techpaded will cook up a software which will enable even the blind to easily navigate & browse TP Blog.
8. Inter-tech: How would you fell of Dzebb, the father of most free browsing VPN is invited here on Techpaded, cool right? Inter-tech was gotten from the word; interview, and we'll be inviting influential people from various fields here on TPblog for brief chats.
9. Free Basic: With this, you'll be able to browse Techpaded for free (without data) on your Airtel & Etisalat line, or any other network that accepts free basics.
10. TP-Books: TPblog will also be launching different Ebooks on various topics. Most would be free, while others will cost a few bucks! TP books will contain reviews, tutorials, networking, blogging tuts & free browsing. Not just any free browsing oh! Like the one of 500gb, which you'll buy at very cheap price.
11. PopCheat VPN: To facilitate our incredible & extreme free browsing tricks, techpaded will be launching her powerful and super-fast syphoning app called "PopCheat VPN". This app will be compatible on over 400,000+ devices, including PC.
12. Monday Money: Sunday is the beginning of the week, but Monday is the beginning of work & hustle. So every Monday, TP blog will be bringing you the latest updates on how to make money online or offline, legit online networking, employment opportunities, quick cash schemes, affiliate, referral businesses, etc. Some influential guests will also be invited here to share more ways. Stay tuned o!
13. Techpaded WiFi Bus: Spot our WiFi bus in your area and enjoy unlimited WiFi Internet service. The bus will kick off in Delta & Lagos state, making appearances in public places. We're still on it though!
14. TP Reunion Campaign:
This is a necessary & important approach to informing, gathering and reuniting all our beloved Techpaddicts, telling them that the number one free browsing and tech blog -
Techpaded.Com.Ng is back.
Materials has been put in place for this campaign. Such materials includes; banners, logos, pictures, videos, audio files, memes, sample texts, etc which you can share across your social media accounts, amongst your friends, etc. And each participants will enjoy huge incentives & bonuses for taking part in this 5 days campaign.
These are just small packages we have on Techpaded. More will be revealed soon.
But we also need your help to accomplish some of these things. You can assist TP blog by:
- Sharing our posts (especially this one)
- Telling your friends & enemies that www.techpaded.com.ng is back!
- And finally participate in our Reunion Campaign.
I'm sure you're happy to hear that TECHPADED IS BACK, so am I. From today, we'll
start our reunion campaign which will end on Sunday, 9th of April. Then we'll make our debut post on Monday and start serving you the goodness of free browsing & tech. So kindly mark that date on your calendar, and visit only www.Techpaded.com.ng for all your free browsing and tech needs because this blog is now something else.
You can
like our Facebook page,
follow us on Twitter, etc as we're pouring a lot of goodies & updates there too! Thanks once again. I'm still your number one Admin - Gideon Kachi. Biko drop your comments and wish us well.
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