Best Tricks to Edit Presentations Wherever You Are | Techpaded Blog
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Best Tricks to Edit Presentations Wherever You Are

Presentations are part of every business meeting or a seminar. PowerPoint is the most popular program for creating presentations and people like to use it a lot. The problem with that type of files is that the layout of the document can be easily altered. That’s why it is always recommended to save your PowerPoint presentation as a PDF. PDF files are seen the same on every operating system and on every device. You won’t need to worry about the look of your slides, because PDF format will make sure every piece of content remains intact.

Once you finish your presentation and save it as a PDF, you can move it to other computers and devices without worries. However, there is one catch- if you need to edit a presentation, it won’t be easy to edit a PDF. In that case, convert the presentation back to .ppt(x) format.

How to Convert Slides from PDF to PPT

Visit this online PDF to PPT converter and choose a PDF file.

PDF to PPT converter

You can open this tool on any device: computer, laptop, tablet, a mobile phone. It works on every operating system.

The next step is to type the email address where you want to receive the file. Lastly, click the Start button.


Since the conversion speed mostly depends on your file size (no limits on the file size, you can convert even bigger files), you can expect an email in a few moments. When you open an email you need to click on the link to download the converted file.

Don’t wait too long to save a file on your computer because after 24 hours, the link won’t be available any more. Due to privacy policy, the files are being deleted every day. That is a positive thing because you don’t need to worry about the security of your files.

Edit Scanned Presentations As Well

When presenting something, it is a common thing to print presentations and have paper copies of it. In that way you can share the copies with your audience. However, the problem arises when you need to edit the presentation that has already been copied and printed and you don’t have the digital version of that presentation.

There is one trick to solve this issue wherever you are:
  1. Find a scanner app or a scanner device to take a shot of that document and make a digital copy.
  2. Save the scanned document as a PDF.
  3. Head over to the previously mentioned PDF to PPT tool and convert file back to .ppt(x)

Even if you are far away from your computer and you don’t have access to your PowerPoint document, you can use this trick and convert scanned PDF document back to PowerPoint.

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